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How to enjoy Blumenau’s Oktoberfest with Kalvelage distillates

Blumenau’s Oktoberfest is one of the most anticipated events of the year in Brazil. With its cheerful atmosphere, traditional German songs and, of course, a variety of beers, the party attracts visitors from all over the country and even the world. However, for those who aren’t beer fans, there are still ways to make the most of this special celebration.


Let’s explore how you can enjoy Oktoberfest with distillates

The typical German party isn’t just about beer. You can also find Kalvelage distillates at the Bier Vila bar and in the VIP area at Alemão Batata, which will offer creative drinks and shots based on distillates.

If you are a fan of premium distillates, you can taste our products: Gin, Vodka and Whiskey.


A great way to enjoy distillates at Oktoberfest is to pair drinks with food.

Try a caipirosca with authentic German sausage, a gin cocktail or a shot of whiskey with a plate of typical German food.

The combination of flavors can be surprising and perfectly complement your gastronomic experience.


Some tips to enjoy Oktoberfest in a relaxed and relaxed way:

  • Always remember to drink responsibly, especially when it comes to distilattes;
  • Set clear limits for yourself and know your limits;
  • Drink water between drinks to stay hydrated and not drive after drinking alcohol.

Enjoy Oktoberfest with Kalvelage! Ein Prosit.

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