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Como beber vodka

por Kalvelage


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Is there a ‘right’ way to drink vodka?

Do you know the right way to drink vodka? As with many drinks, vodka has a “correct” way of being enjoyed. This doesn’t mean that other ways are wrong, just that the drink was designed to be drunk this way.

According to the Russian historian W. V. Polkhlióbkin, vodka must be taken pure, it is no longer vodka if we add ice, lemon, etc., then it becomes a cocktail, it requires the accompaniment of food, abundant, spicy, smoked and fatty. It has no intention of being attractive, of pleasing. It should have no particular taste or smell. Its class lies in the sensation of purity and its penetrating power, which reaches the throat, the head and goes straight to the heart. It’s a drink for people with a strong will.”

Therefore, to drink vodka correctly, as they do in Russia, the ideal is not to mix it with absolutely anything. It is only possible to identify the purity of vodka when it is drunk pure.

How to drink vodka the right way
You can drink vodka in drinks or neat, as a shot.

How to drink vodka the right way

That said, if you want to enjoy vodka the right way, follow these steps and enjoy!

  • Chill the bottle in a freezer or freezer. The drink will not freeze, as it has a high alcohol content, and will have a creamy texture.
  • Serve a dose in a suitable glass. “Shot” type glasses are the most common, and ideal for tasting your vodka.
  • Examine the appearance, its clarity, color or lack of color. Not all vodka is completely transparent, some have reflections of different colors, which indicates less purity. The more translucent, the purer the drink.
  • Bring the glass closer to your nose to evaluate its aromas, which may be fruity or reminiscent of minerals, flowers or spices.
  • Put a sip in your mouth and let the liquid travel across your palate. Its texture should be soft and not “burn” the tongue. Some lower quality specimens may have a rougher and sometimes grainy, sandy texture.
  • Many of the aromas will also appear, as the liquid warms in the mouth and releases different odors. Indulge in them, as they will have more intense aromas and different from those found in the nose.
  • Drink this sip and check the aftertaste. This part is very important, as many of the qualities and characteristics of the drink are revealed at this point, such as flavors, aromas and the purity of its finish. The best vodkas leave the mouth clean and fresh, while lesser quality ones may have bitterness.

Just remembering that this is the correct way to drink vodka according to Russian standards. This doesn’t mean that making a drink with vodka is wrong, quite the opposite. Cocktails with vodka as the main ingredient are very common and also very popular in the cocktail world.

If making drinks with vodka were wrong, we wouldn’t have something as good as our caipiroska. See how to do it!

Caipiroska recipe


  • 60 ml Kalvelage Vibe Vodka
  • 1 Tahiti lemon with peel (optional: without peel)
  • 2 tablespoons of crystal or demerara sugar or 15 ml of sugar syrup

Method of preparation:

In a glass, add the sugar, vodka and lemon and gently macerate. Add ice and stir well. Now just enjoy!

The truth is that there is no wrong way to drink vodka, the wrong way is not to drink it!

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