Dia do Garçom

por Kalvelage


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Waiter’s Day: tips for perfect servisse

August 11th celebrates one of humanity’s oldest professions, and also one of the most important to this day: it is Waiter’s Day. Waiters and waitresses are much more than the people who bring us our dishes and drinks. They are the living representation of the restaurant or bar. Everything that happens passes through them, and nothing more fair than having a day to celebrate them, right? They are the most beloved professionals in bars and restaurants.

When we go to a restaurant, a large part of our experience as a customer involves the service, conduct and cordiality of the waiters. If the service is not good, your experience will not be good either – and the customer may not even return to the establishment, even if they enjoyed the dishes and drinks.

Waiters and waitresses are fundamental cogs in the wheels of a restaurant, as are the kitchen staff. They are fundamental to transforming an ordinary establishment into a famous and quality place, conquering a captive place in the hearts of customers.

Waiters who spend a lot of time in the same place end up becoming “folkloric” in the history of a neighborhood or community. This profession is so important in popular culture that it is acclaimed by several artists, such as Reginaldo Rossi and Skank, in their songs. Who has never sung: “Waiter, here, at this bar table / Are you tired of listening / hundreds of love affairs”? Maybe the waiter is also a good friend, right?

Kalvelage Premium Vodkas - Waiter's Day
Waiters are essential members of restaurants and bars

To better illustrate what a waiter’s day-to-day life is like, and how you can improve your customer service, Kalvelage spoke with Walter Medina, a waiter with 23 years of experience.

According to Walter, there are some main points for a waiter to stand out and bring to the establishment that experience that the customer seeks and becomes captivated by:

  • The first of these is for the waiter to get into the rhythm of the house. Recognizing how service takes place in a restaurant is a very important starting point for becoming a distinguished professional in the industry. Paying attention to the oldest waiters who are loved by customers and co-workers can also help you a lot in your new beginning.
  • Cleanliness and table organization are key factors for the profession, according to Walter.
  • Being attentive to customers and keeping your tables organized counts a lot for the final experience.
  • It is also important to know how to differentiate each customer. Is it a business dinner or a meeting with friends? Are you a couple or a family? Each type of client requires a different approach, and knowing how to differentiate this shows how attentive you are.
  • Finally, for Walter Medina, it is necessary to know your menu and the products that your bar or restaurant has to offer. Customers will eventually have questions about a product, and waiters must bridge the gap between customer and menu. Good beverage brands, for example, make all the difference in service. A well-known and respected brand is more likely to be chosen by an undecided customer.

Offering new brands to customers can be a bit challenging for our waiter friend. If the establishment where you work has Kalvelage, but your client doesn’t know about it, how can you offer it? That’s why it’s so important to know your products. This way, you have arguments to convince this customer: it is a 100% Brazilian brand, with more than 20 international medals, and perfect for drinks, improving the experience at home.

Want to see more of the conversation between our founder MaurĂ­cio Kalvelage and waiter Walter Medina? Then click this link here! And a happy Waiter’s Day to everyone!

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